Inside the Campus

Scientists from different countries, different disciplines and many different experiences work together on the success of the Pioneer Campus. Discover the diversity of HPC. 

I am a Physicist, trained at Eindhoven University of Technology. Small-scale courses offered much interactions both with peers and my professors. A broad and inclusive program taught me to communicate with researchers from various fields, a crucial ingredient of modern research where research teams need to function multi-disciplinary to solve problems of modern society.
HPC offers me an opportunity to flourish in a young multi-disciplinary group with topics meant to overcome boundaries and reach beyond specialized fields. With small teams and colleagues with intriguing backgrounds, creativity is boosting and research directions can be adopted easily.
On top of this, Munich is a city buzzing with science: 2 universities, multiple research centres, and large industry firms located around. This does make it really easy to exchange knowledge, share equipment or rapidly get input from distinct perspectives. 
HPC’s current size makes us all consider each other as ‘family’. And, family is always there for you!

Korneel Ridderbeek

Country: Netherlands
Degree: Master in Physics

Vera Manelli

Country: Italy
Degree: Master in
Molecular Biology

Studying towards my Master in Molecular Biology at the university of Milan I enjoyed the most to realize, for the first time, the very foundations of cellular processes, and at the same time, challenge the status quo by discussing new publications and emerging concepts during the courses.
I decided to join HPC because I wanted to be surrounded by a dynamic and creative environment, with a network of young and motivated scientists and I am really happy about my choice.
I think what makes HPC unique is a fertile ground for interdisciplinary exchange, where confrontation and exchange of ideas among people with different backgrounds is highly encouraged, all in a similarly vibrant and high-spirited City as I experienced in Milan.

I did my Master in Electrical Engineering at the Brazilian Center for Research on Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas, a high-tech campus that hosts the Brazilian Synchrotron Facility, a truly unique ‘sci-fi movie’ place in Brazil. For my PhD, I moved to Basel, a vibrant city and host to the oldest university in Switzerland and one of the most important pharmaceutical hubs in the world. I was really impressed by how much science and culture one can find in a relatively small town!
I am truly amazed by the HPC spirit of bringing together young and ambitious group leaders to tackle some of the most challenging problems in health and environment.  My goal in the group of Dr. Ben Engel will be to develop computer algorithms that allow us to retrieve information from high-resolution electron tomography data in a more automated and reliable manner. Being an electrical engineer turned structural biologist, I really love how the HPC fosters interdisciplinarity.
In particular, I am motivated by the goal to understand climate changes at the molecular level, a direction not pursued by many structural biology groups. The opportunity to work with some of the leading Imaging and Machine Learning experts was also a decisive factor for me. Adding to this is the diversity of high level research groups operating at the Helmholtz Center and in Munich more generally.

Dr. Ricardo Righetto

Country: Brazil
Degree: Master in
Electrical Engineering

Tjadina Klein

Country: Germany
Degree: Examined Veterinarian

Studying towards an Examined Veterinarian, I enjoyed gaining deep insights into the many different medical fields, knowledge which I can now apply to the development of medical applications.
I particularly like that the HPC is very interdisciplinary and brings together people from all kinds of different fields. This gives new insight on many research problems and paves the way for novel ideas.
The diverse background of the team members is terrific as is the mentality of our PI. This creates an optimal environment for pioneering work and I have not yet seen the likes of it elsewhere.

I graduated with a Master in Nutrition and Biomedicine from an international program at the Technical University of Munich. I really enjoyed getting to know people from all over the world, learning about the different cultures and having the opportunity to work together in an open-minded setting.
When I joined the HPC I was seeking for cutting edge scientific advances and technologies to match my interests and background in molecular biology and metabolic disorders. I find the community of of biologists, bioinformaticians, physicists or engineers highly enriching, communicating effectively across their specialities.
The HPC is unique in that it lacks classical hierarchical structures or barriers among researchers at different stages in their career, facilitating much more relaxed interactions while encouraging everyone to express and share your own ideas. I would absolutely encourage researchers from all corners of the globe to come and join the HPC as to fulfill your research aspirations in a stimulating environment and a supportive community

Eva Sanchez Quant

Country: Spain
Degree: Master in Nutrition and Biomedicine

Xenofon Giannoulis

Country: Greece
Degree: Master in Computer
Science and Medical Informatics

My academic background is in Statistics and Bioinformatics. When I finished my studies in Greece, I joined Helmholtz Pioneer Campus for my PhD, focusing on solving biological questions about complex diseases and applying Gene-Environment interaction models. I mostly enjoy that at HPC Campus there are people who have mastered their art following the ethics of openness and sharing the knowledge to others. It is a great advantage to interact with scientists from completely different fields, within a casual environment, where each of us has the capability to develop his own ideas.