
HPC and your ERC – a perfect match!?


The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) at Helmholtz Munich is embedded in the vibrant, highly innovative and thriving research environment of Munich, with its excellent universities, research institutions and biotech hubs. Could HPC become the ideal partner for your ERC endeavor!?


The ERC is without a doubt “a flagship component of Horizon 2020” ( and winning an ERC grant is and will be the ultimate accolade of every scientist in Europe. With 8 ERCs in 2020 alone and 39 ERC grants in total, Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) holds the top-ranking position among all centers of the Helmholtz Association.

Strongly positioned at the intersection of biomedicine, bioengineering and bioinformatics, all three pivotal for HMGU’s prime goal to create a healthier society, HPC pioneers drive bottom-up frontier research. They are recognized as the top talents and future leaders of Europe (see our news section for more information) . 

Our current PIs benefit from a strong connection to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) through their appointment as TUM junior fellows, or integration into the associated faculty at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), as well as the vivid start-up scene of “one of the most livable cities in the world” (Mercer).


To foster HPCs pioneering culture, our stakeholder invest about 50 million Euro in a cutting-edge research building, designed for synergies and collaboration across all key disciplines of Helmholtz Munich, our international partners and beyond.

Check with us, if your ERC could be the perfect match for HPC!

If you apply for an ERC StG or CoG 2021 and are interested in joining HPC as Principal Investigator, please contact Dr. Thomas Schwarz-Romond (Director of Operations) or Dr. Bar­bara Schroeder at HPC to assess potential fit. Please also note that HPC operates closely aligned with the pro­ject and fund­ing of­fice at Helmholtz Mu­nich , that offers dedicated grant support and structured coaching (please contact





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