Globally leading experts in diabetes, metabolism and biomedical engineering meet…
New technologies enable deeper insights into the causes of major diseases such as diabetes, obesity or cancer and open the way to a new generation of diagnostics and therapies. For the first time, the new Helmholtz…
Introduction of the branding of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus
The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) leadership is excited to unveil an HPC-specific corporate design that will be invaluable for introducing the new innovation campus to local, regional and global partners at the top…
Oliver Bruns - Zooming in on the essentials of life!
Literate in a variety of disciplines, Dr. Oliver Bruns combines cutting-edge technologies to bring unseen physiological processes to light. Since January 2018, he pursues his interdisciplinary approach to research at the…
Transforming an idea into reality
The first Helmholtz Pioneer Campus recruiting symposium delivers outstanding science and shapes the underlining Pioneer Campus concept.
Team Leader candidate symposium
The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus gathers momentum: the first Team Leader Candidate Symposium will take place on Monday, December 4th 2017.
Innovation results from interdisciplinary cooperation
The Pioneer Campus brings together the most advanced technologies in biomedicine and engineering to further accelerate the Center’s excellence in metabolism and other areas of outstanding expertise.
Breakthroughs that transform discovery
Scientifically, we are looking for interdisciplinary researchers that embrace human organoids and mini-organ technologies. Putting these on custom-engineered ‘biochips’ will enable unprecedented possibilities for bio-…
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