Na Cai awarded with prestigious Friedmund Neumann Prize
The Schering Stiftung honours Na’s contributions towards the fundamental understanding of Major Depressive Disorder.
Janna Nawroth: Well-deserved recognition by the scientific community
Awardee of a highly competitive Whitman Early Career Fellowship.
PioneerCampus and AI4Health deliver on single-cell phenotyping in 3D
Exploiting the full information potential of bright-field images
Go with the flow: Spatial regulation of microbiota in Hydra
Muscle contractions playing an unexpected role in microbe host interactions
Volkswagen Stiftung supports visionary project of HPC PI Dr. Jian Cui
The program “Pioneering Research - Exploring the Unknown Unknown” by the VW foundation “supports groundbreaking and risky research ideas with high scientific relevance”.
Prof. Meier continues organ-on chip technology development in Munich & Leipzig
Matthias Meier, one of the first Helmholtz Pioneer Campus Principal Investigators, Emmy Noether- and ERC grantee, recently accepted the Professorship for Biochemical & Cellular Technology, Faculty of the Life Sciences at…
HPC & MTTC establish Cryo-EM technology @Helmholtz Munich
Structural biology techniques such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy single-particle analysis (cryo-EM SPA) provide unique insights into the molecular…
Pioneer Campus PI Janna Nawroth invited speaker
Janna Nawroth will give a talk at the Microphysiological Systems World Summit in Berlin and at the School of Physics in Les Houces.
Lara Urban invited speaker at KI Camp 2023
The AI Camp organised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) brings together AI talents and AI experts from all over the world.
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